Monday, February 6, 2017

My Purpose

My name is Danielle Garza 

I am best at creating, imagining, and overall being a happy and supportive person in other people's lives. 

I do this for myself, my family and just everyone in general. Sometimes all a person needs is a smile to change their entire day. 

A person truly craves the feeling of happiness. I feel like I create that feeling (more or less) in other people's lives. This is what they need, and that is why they come to me for doing what I do best- being there for someone that needs a little happiness. 

I'd like to think that what I do inspires the people around me to return the favor to others. Happiness is contagious and most of the time extremely hard to turn down even in the most rotten of moods. After someone's day is brightened, more than likely they will go on to brighten another person's day. An endless cycle that goes on, and I have the privilege to hopefully inspire some sort of happiness in the world. 

What I do and who I am is short, sweet, and simple- I am someone who is contagiously happy, that wants everyone else to be happy too. 


  1. Hi Danielle,
    How will you conduct a social media campaign based on happiness? This site may interest you.

  2. Hey Danielle,

    I have to agree that everyone needs an individual in their life that promotes happiness. My husband is also a crazy happy, optimistic individual, and I've personally seen it change an individuals attitude or perspective. Have you ever experienced a situation like that?

    Also, this is super unrelated..But I love your blog background. Were you able to upload your own image or is this a preset background?

    Thanks! - No'eau

  3. "Sometimes all a person needs is a smile . . . " ABSOLUTELY!! :-) The recognition and acknowledgement of our common essence as human beings is so powerful, yet so easily done with a smile. Keep on smiling +Danielle Garza!

  4. I think it's great if you can do something that makes you happy and you in turn can bring happiness to others. I think if we can do what we love, those results will happen. I'm smiling now just from reading your post!

  5. Hi, wow honestly agreeing with you. We all need people in our lives to make things a little less dark and I feel that about the happiness we all crave that. I think thats super cool of you to go out of your way to be there for people. We do need more people like that in the world. That's so tight, keep doing you!
