Monday, February 6, 2017

My Purpose

My name is Danielle Garza 

I am best at creating, imagining, and overall being a happy and supportive person in other people's lives. 

I do this for myself, my family and just everyone in general. Sometimes all a person needs is a smile to change their entire day. 

A person truly craves the feeling of happiness. I feel like I create that feeling (more or less) in other people's lives. This is what they need, and that is why they come to me for doing what I do best- being there for someone that needs a little happiness. 

I'd like to think that what I do inspires the people around me to return the favor to others. Happiness is contagious and most of the time extremely hard to turn down even in the most rotten of moods. After someone's day is brightened, more than likely they will go on to brighten another person's day. An endless cycle that goes on, and I have the privilege to hopefully inspire some sort of happiness in the world. 

What I do and who I am is short, sweet, and simple- I am someone who is contagiously happy, that wants everyone else to be happy too. 

What is your passion?

When I took the quiz to find out my passion in life and my result was: creativity.

Totally not a shocker honestly; I absolutely agree with my results. I've always known that my passion was creation, and finding others through art.

As far as using my passion to connect with others, I think it could be done. My primary creativity comes from music; everyone can relate to that! If someone ever mentions music, I'll be the first one to jump on that, and a conversation will definitely be there.

This also applies when it comes to connecting with others in general. I can always share my thoughts or jump in on a conversation. If someone is looking for feedback in any way, I'll be able to provide advice from behind a screen. I can also put out my own creativity on social media, especially music videos that I make here and there.

Passion is something that drives us as human beings. If we learn to channel it in our daily lives, we can effortlessly turn our dreams into a reality. My dream in specific is to create music videos for Hollywood and the music industry. That being said, my passion will drive me in the right direction if I learn to actually follow my heart and pursue what I truly love.

"I Googled Myself And..."

When I googled "Danielle Garza" only one of my pictures showed up; none of my social media links were the first suggested pages. This however doesn't really surprise me because I haven't really been active with social media throughout the years. I did create a Facebook about 8 years ago (time really does fly!) but my internet presence was never really that heavy. 

After scrounging around Google I could only find one picture of me from Google +. Honestly, it's slightly disappointing, however it's quite relieving. I must have gone through at least 10 pages of results with no evidence of my online presence. I've never posted any crazy pictures of myself so even if someone did stumble across my virtual reality, I wouldn't have anything to hide.

I feel like as far as employers go, there's so much opportunity that the Internet could provide. The Internet is basically free advertisement; it's up to you whether to make it a positive or negative one. Let's say for example: Person A and B are applying for the same job. Person A is a heavy partier and has an extensive collection of pictures of the "cool" and "exciting" escapades of night life. Everything imaginable is on their social media account, as far as partying goes. Now go to Person B, who is involved with community service every weekend, has posted about their job opportunities, and posts positive messages online. The two people have advertised themselves in two completely different ways. Obviously Person B had advertised themselves positively, therefore creating encouragement for the employer. 

From this entire exercise, I would say I learned that I don't really have a significant social media footprint. I wouldn't really change anything that I'm doing, seeing as nothing I have online would tarnish my image in any way. However that doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement! My goals for my online presence would include utilizing the Internet to promote myself in a positive way. Short, simple, and very beneficial for my future!